Book Ponderings: Autistic Thinking in the Life of the Church

So far, the majority of the reading and research I have done throughout my journey of realising I am more than likely Autistic, has been mainly through: 1) talking to my friends who are Autistic, and learning from their experiences, and 2) reading online sources (blogs, articles etc.). After a while of going down this rabbit hole, I decided there was a need to look out for some books on the topic. During this process of introspection, I was both beginning to understand the strengths and good things of the way my mind works, but also becoming increasingly aware of the limitations it can have on me, especially on the size of my social battery. It was also around this same time that the restrictions which the COVID-19 pandemic put on social activities were beginning to lessen, and thus there was going to be more emphasis and expectations for increased social interactions. This actually became a point of worry for me, as I ha...