Occam's razor - simplicity and complexity

In my last post , I looked at how I struggled for some time feeling like I over-complicated everything, but now aim to see my mind as being intricate, instead of complex. This has definitely been a very healthy change in my mindset, and has helped to to appreciate, and even enjoy, the aspects of my mind I often found myself wrestling against and wishing I didn't have (there are still these moments at times ;-)). The more I've reflected on this over the years, the more I have realised that I also find myself frequently striving for simplicity, or a simple resolution to a problem, and appreciating that just as much as the complex solutions. Essentially, I seem to gravitate towards Occams razor, a theory from philosophy which states "plurality should not be posited without necessity.”. It's a funny saying, which could do with using its own principle on itself. It basically means, keeps things simple, unless you absolutely have to. If there are two ...