A Birthday Special

In the first few posts, I’ve looked at how I’ve come to terms with the way I think, and learned to see and enjoy the positives in it. However, it has not always been like that, and there are definite down sides to be aware of. One of them is the way in which it can make you more vulnerable to mental health struggles such as anxiety and depression. This day, 7 years ago, I was in the depths of the longest period of prolonged and life consuming anxiety (and periods of depression sometimes for a double whammy) I’ve ever experienced. It effected every part of my life, every day, for a number of years. It was also 1 week before the due date of my first born daughter, Melody. We didn’t particularly plan for a summer baby or anything, we had just started trying for a baby, and the timing happened when it happened. Throughout Nicky's pregnancy the anxiety played its tricks, and I found myself often entertaining the dark thoughts of all that could go wrong during pregnancy and child b...